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Restrict access to specific entitlements in ARS based on both entitlement and user properties

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Hi Saviynt,

We are trying to restrict access to specific entitlements within an endpoint based on a user's custom property.

We see the 'Config for requestable entitlement in ARS' query setting on the Entitlement Type that allows hiding entitlements in ARS based on the entitlement properties and the 'Access Query' on the Endpoint that allows hiding an Endpoint based on the user properties.

Do you know if there is a way to hide entitlements from ARS based on entitlement properties and user properties, without restricting access to the whole endpoint?

where ev.customproperty8 = 'false' or users.customproperty13 in ('Dept1','Dept2','Dept3')



  1. You need to create dynamic attribute named as department to store department value.

Select department as id from users where userkey= '${requestee}'

  1. Based on department filter display of the entitlements by storing department names in Entitlement Customproperty.

ev.status=1 and ev.customproperty11 ='${department}'

Rushikesh Vartak
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