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Request an entitlement - should grant access in 2 applications with DA

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi All,

Our Requirement -

When a user requests an entitlement from a Salesforce application ( app1 - visible to end users) + selects drop down value ( dynamic attribute) in ARS form - as result  This should create an Account in REST application (app2 - not visible) based on Dynamic attribute selected in Salesforce app (app1).

any inputs on how to achieve this ?


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

This use case may not be achievable via ARS. An alternate soln, you can try to  Create a SV4SAV connection and update any of the user's attribute once an account in EP1 is created. Based on this attribute's value, a User update rule can be triggered to create another account in EP2.
