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Regarding User Update Rule

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

The below user update rule advanced query is not working as expected. Even though I have given a condition of accounttype as Primary, the task is getting triggered for the accounttype Secondary too, Could you please check and let me know what I have to correct in the query to trigger the task only for the Primary accounttype.

(##a.displayname isupdated##) and in (select distinct us.userkey from User_accounts us, Accounts cc, Endpoints ep where and cc.endpointkey and ep.endpointname='AD' and cc.accounttype='Primary')


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @sumagalla , is accountype populated in account.

Check the query in data analyzer does it give right results ??

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

User regular queries and add accounttype at endpoint level. This will only pick Primary accounts.

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 9.32.00 AM.png


(##a.displayname isupdated##) and in (SELECT DISTINCT us.userkey FROM User_accounts us, Accounts ac WHERE us.accountkey = ac.accountkey AND ac.accounttype = 'Primary' AND ac.endpointkey=<XXXXXXXX>)

Best Regards,
Sam Talluri
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Please share logs in text format
Could you kindly provide a detailed snapshot of the information extracted from the logs, encompassing errors and other pertinent functionality details encountered during the execution of this process? Your assistance in furnishing this information would greatly aid in the analysis and resolution of any issues .

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Rushikesh Vartak
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I have tried the ones which @stalluri and @NM have suggested, they are not working.

@rushikeshvartak Please find attached the logs.

The user update rule name: Workday_Updates_to_AD_for_Primary_Account

username: test000279

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @sumagalla logs doesn't seem to contain details regarding the rule ..

How do you identify the account is primary add that field in user update condition.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

In the single endpoint we have Primary and Secondary accounts, there is an enhanced query which runs to update the Primary value in the account type of the users account. I have added the below value in the user update rule, which also have accounttype.

(##a.displayname isupdated##) and in (select distinct us.userkey from User_accounts us, Accounts cc, Endpoints ep where and cc.endpointkey and ep.endpointname='AD' and cc.accounttype='Primary')



When rules triggered?

Rushikesh Vartak
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