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Ownership Transfer Issues

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


We have a scenario where a manager should not be changed based on Workday RAAS for emergency termed users.

This applies to emergency terminations or one-click disabled users. When a user is one-click disabled, their direct reports’ manager is reassigned to the disabled user’s manager (ownership transfer). However, it takes a few days for Workday to process the termination, so the disabled users appear as active in the user import (RAAS) file. When the user import runs, managers who were one-click disabled and inactive in Saviynt are again reassigned as managers in Saviynt.

For users who were one-click disabled and inactive in Saviynt but appear as active in the user import file, we do not want to change the manager for existing users in Saviynt.

However, we should still be able to handle regular manager changes. Below is the Workday Preprocessor query that I started to write (which may not be correct but may give you an idea).

Can you please help craft a preprocessor query that helps our specific situation but does not affect the regular manager change process.

"Update Newuserdata T Left Join Currentusers cu on T.manager=cu.userkey set T.manager = case when cu.statuskey=1 then cu.userkey end"


  • When one click disable happen do u seen any other property of user is update like comments which can be use to differentiate 

Rushikesh Vartak
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