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Multiple Independent API calls REST connector

New Contributor II
New Contributor II


We have a requirement to get the last login date from an REST application.

We have a master data api that returns all the Account and entitlement details different endpoints for Account and Access.

There is a third API that returns "Last login date" of the user.  This will require a separate token generation and connection. Also, This API has a limitation of 3000 calls per day so we cannot call this for each user in Dependent API calls. 

Is there a way to handle this scenario to Call "Master data api" to get all the account and access details and then call the last "login API" to get the last login date of all the users at once(paginated) and map it to each user account based on username(also present in Last login api).


Abhay  Yadav


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Since you are creating a separate connection, you can create a new trigger for this run. In the trigger, you can select the same security system but for External Connection, you can select the name of the new connection created. You can then add both the jobs in a trigger chain to ensure one runs after the other.




New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi @SB ,

From different connection i meant it's a different URL for "Last login date" is there a way to do it in the same import account json.


Abhay Yadav

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

REST connector does support multiple calls and in case you have a dependent attribute for the 2nd call, you can refer to the below Doc link for the sample. I have not personally used multi call without attribute dependency. You can try to make the second call with direct api url using same template without dependentCall parameter and see if this works for you.
