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Multiple Entitlements Mapping with boolean expressions (true/false)

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi Team,

We are having a requirement on the entitlements mapping to map 4 roles which are having true/false expressions from getAcount response.

Below is the sample POSTMAN response where we can see the user is tagged to 4 different roles.

"id": "USR-2k8045sm",
"username": "maxisbillingadmin",
"email": "",
"superAdmin": true,
"devopsAdmin": false,
"globalViewer": false,
"apiAccess": false

Previously this was discussed with Saviynt Ops, under ticket #1410358 and confirmed this is not achievable.

Is there any other workarounds that we can apply to get the mapping?


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hello!  Thank you for your question!   We are investigating an answer. Someone will get back to you soon.

Thanks, Miguel

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi Meegeaten, 

Apologies for the delayed response, currently we don't support this functionality, we will keep this post updated if this functionality is supported in the future. 

Thanks & Regards, 

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Could you please suggest any workarounds that we can apply in order to map the entitlements to user?

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi  Team,

Is there any other ways that we can map true/false entitlements under the getAccount call?


New Contributor
New Contributor

hi team is there a way to massage the imported data value and make it compatible with saviynt format

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi i had same issue and resolved this using Sav4sav account import.

1) create entitltment manually first

2) update membership with sav4sav account import

3) for grant and revoke, you can implement put api to update the attribute true or false