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ModifyUserDataJson vs UserNameGeneration Rule & Email Generation Rule

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


I just want to know the difference between ModifyUserDataJson VS UsernameGenerationRule/Email Generation Rule in Global Configuration.

I am going to import Users from HR system using REST connector. EIC should generate Username and Email once the UserImport is complete,

Question is,

i. which option is preferable to generate Email and Username? ModifyUserDataJson or GenerationRule in Global Config.

ii. when I should prefer UsernameGeneration Rule to ModifyUserDataJson. 


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@vivekrajan1 Better to use global configuration options if it satisfies your requirements, they can be used for Generate Email action in Update rules too, where as Modify JSON option you can use when you have some specific requirements which is not achieved via Global config option. 


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1. ModifyUserDataJson vs. Generation Rules in Global Configuration


  • Purpose: This is used to make specific modifications to user data during or after the import process. It can be applied to adjust attributes based on custom logic or static mappings.
  • Flexibility: You can use ModifyUserDataJson to apply complex logic or transformations to user data fields, but you need to handle the generation of usernames and emails manually within the JSON configuration.
  • Usage: This is useful if you need to implement custom business rules or transformations that are not covered by default generation rules. For example, if usernames need to be generated based on a combination of user attributes with specific formatting, ModifyUserDataJson would be the right tool.

UsernameGenerationRule/Email Generation Rule in Global Configuration

  • Purpose: These are built-in configuration settings that automatically generate usernames and emails based on predefined patterns or rules. They simplify the process by providing a straightforward way to create these attributes.
  • Flexibility: They are generally less flexible than ModifyUserDataJson in terms of custom logic but are easier to set up for standard patterns. You can configure them to use attributes from the user data to create usernames and emails.
  • Usage: Ideal for scenarios where you have a standard format for usernames and emails. For example, if usernames should always be in the format of “first.last” or emails should be in the format of “”, you would use these rules.

2. When to Prefer UsernameGeneration Rule vs. ModifyUserDataJson

  • UsernameGeneration Rule:

    • Use this when you have a consistent and simple pattern for generating usernames that doesn’t require complex logic. For example, if the username is always a combination of the first name and last name or just the first letter of the first name and the last name.
    • It is best suited for standard, predictable patterns that can be defined through configuration settings.
  • ModifyUserDataJson:

    • Use this when you need more control over how usernames or emails are generated. For example, if you have special business rules that need to be applied (e.g., adding specific prefixes or suffixes based on department or role).
    • If you need to perform more complex transformations or validations that cannot be easily expressed in a generation rule, ModifyUserDataJson will give you the flexibility to script those changes.


  • For straightforward, pattern-based username and email generation: Use UsernameGeneration Rule and Email Generation Rule in Global Configuration.
  • For complex scenarios or custom business logic: Use ModifyUserDataJson to manually handle the generation and transformation of usernames and emails.

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Thank you @mbh_it2 @rushikeshvartak  for your help!