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Migration to New HRMS system


Hi Team,

Currently client is using Active directory as a trusted source for users. We have imported into Saviynt and already it is in live,

Now client is planning to migrate from AD to workday trusted source. 

How can we move this data from AD to Workday?

Once data is migrated to workday, when we run imports from workday duplicates identities should create as we already imported users to Saviynt production from AD.

Here we are seeking for help who have experience in this matter please guide us.

Any help would be appreciated.




Sumathi Somala

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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @SumathiSomala,

Thanks for your patience,we are checking on your request and we will keep you posted.

@DixshantValecha Any update on this?

Sumathi Somala

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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @SumathiSomala,

I appreciate your patience and am writing to address your queries regarding the migration of data from Active Directory (AD) to Workday.

1) **Data Migration Process:**
To facilitate the transfer of data from AD to Workday, it is imperative to collaborate with a Workday specialist or Subject Matter Expert (SME). Working closely with them will ensure the development of a comprehensive plan for migration. Please coordinate with the designated Workday specialist to establish the necessary steps and procedures for a seamless data transfer.

2) **Handling Duplicates during Workday Imports:**
Upon successful migration to Workday, the concern about duplicate identities arising during subsequent imports is valid. I recommend adopting the "unique reconciliation field" approach to address this issue effectively. This entails incorporating the same reconciliation field used in AD(import) for Workday, such as an employee ID.

For instance, if the employee ID serves as a unique reconciliation field in AD, it should be leveraged in Workday as well. This strategy will help eliminate the problem of duplicate identities. It is crucial to ensure that the employee ID or any other field used for reconciliation in AD is mapped to a corresponding and similar value in Workday. This alignment is essential for the smooth functioning of the process.

Please be advised to implement these suggestions in close consultation with the respective specialists to guarantee a successful and error-free data migration.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. Should you have any further questions or require additional clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out.