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Issue in updating the right createdate for users

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi Team, 
We have an issue with createdate with existing users,where createdate is mapped to IntersimLostModifieddate,which was not updating the right creation date.
We are trying to update the createdate with FirstUpdatedate from User History by checking on particular unique attribute's changelog where we have the updates made in user history on very first day of user creation in the system.
We have used Username attribute presently which updated for all types of users in change log and captured that updatedate as createdate by using below query.

update users set createdate=uh.updatedate from users u,usershistory uh where u.userkey = uh.userkey and CREATEDATE IS NULL AND STARTDATE IS NULL AND uh.CHANGELOG LIKE '%username%';

In future we have an issue if we create/update the same user by CSV upload,then username attribute will get updated in users history then it would cause the problem to pick the right updatedate.

Happy here any suggestions here, do we have any attribute unique common attribute that will updated in users history on very first day user created in Saviynt System?

Siva Avula


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Siva 

Can you please let us know why create date column is not being used, Also you are saying its not updated as expected, can you describe more on this.




Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @Darshanjain 

Earlier createdate is mapped to IntersimLastModifieddate, each time when users is modified or updated in the system, then createdate will get changed to laste updatedate which is not right date. So we have removed that mapping now.

For all those users who already there in the system,Create is not a right date, so we are trying to make it correct.

We are looking at user history on very first day when the user in created in SaviyntSystem and fetching that updatedate to use it as a createdate.
To find the first updatedate, we need to find the right changelog in user history which should be happen to all users irrespective of their employeetype.
we found that changelog attribute which is common to all users i.e Username, but username might be get updated if users were created throguh CSV upload,username might be updated in the user history.

So we are searching for right changelog attribute in user history to fetch right createdate.

Siva Avula

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Siva .

Okay understood, I hope the createdate issue is now fixed , but you want to set the old users create date accordingly.

 Now the user history table stores the changelog in blob data, Are you storing the changelog data in some custom table?


