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ImportAccountEntJSON- To fix the Hierarchy

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi Team,

We have a application(Alfa), which has 2 type of entitlement ( AuthorityGroups and Role)

In case of Group it has API to import the "entitlement" and "AccountWithEntitlement".

But in case of Role, it has single API to import "AccountWithEntitlement". So we created all the entitlement through CSV directly on Saviynt.


Response of "AccountWithEntitlement" for ROLE, like below


Below is the JSON, I'm using on Saviynt. For "AuthorityGroups" it's working fine.

Could Team help me with "ROLE" to establish the Account entitlement Hierarchy?

"accountParams": {
"connection": "acctAuth",
"processingType": "SequentialAndIterative",
"statusAndThresholdConfig": {
"deleteLinks": false,
"accountThresholdValue": 30,
"correlateInactiveAccounts": true,
"inactivateAccountsNotInFile": false,
"deleteAccEntForActiveAccounts": true
"call": {
"call1": {
"callOrder": 0,
"stageNumber": 0,
"http": {
"url": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/json/user/v1/mouser/listUsers",
"httpHeaders": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"httpMethod": "GET"
"listField": "",
"keyField": "accountID",
"colsToPropsMap": {
"accountID": "userId~#~char",
"name": "userId~#~char",
"displayName": "name~#~char",
"customproperty1": "email~#~char",
"customproperty2": "department~#~char",
"customproperty3": "branch~#~char",
"customproperty4": "telephoneNumber~#~char",
"customproperty5": "available~#~char",
"customproperty6": "enabledFrom~#~char",
"customproperty7": "disabledFrom~#~char",
"customproperty8": "workflowUser~#~char",
"customproperty9": "workflowUserType~#~char",

"customproperty10": "salespersonCode~#~char",
"customproperty11": "salesperson~#~char",
"customproperty12": "salesManager~#~char",
"customproperty13": "salesAdministrator~#~char",

"customproperty14": "underwriter~#~char",
"customproperty15": "sanctionOfficer~#~char",
"customproperty16": "rateSanctionOfficer~#~char",
"customproperty17": "suppInvoiceMismatchAuthorised~#~char"

"entitlementParams": {
"connection": "acctAuth",
"processingType": "SequentialAndIterative",
"entTypes": {
"AuthorityGroups": {
"entTypeOrder": 0,
"call": {
"call1": {
"callOrder": 0,
"stageNumber": 0,
"http": {
"url": "https:/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/json/user/v1/mouser/listAuthorityGroups",
"httpHeaders": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"httpMethod": "GET"
"listField": "",
"keyField": "entitlementID",
"colsToPropsMap": {
"entitlementID": "code~#~char",
"entitlement_value": "code~#~char",
"description": "description~#~char",
"acctEntMappingInfoColumnFromEnt": "STORE#ACC#ENT#MAPPINGINFO~#~char"
"acctEntMappings": {
"listField": "members",
"idPath": "",
"keyField": "accountID",
"importAsAccount": false
"acctEntParams": {
"connection": "acctAuth",
"entTypes": {
"AuthorityGroups": {
"call": {
"call1": {
"callOrder": 0,
"stageNumber": 0,
"processingType": "entToAcctMapping"
"Role": {
"call": {
"call1": {
"callOrder": 0,
"stageNumber": 0,
"processingType": "acctToEntMapping",
"http": {
"httpHeaders": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"url": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/json/user/v1/user/listStaticRolesForUser?userId=${id}",
"httpMethod": "GET"
"listField": "",
"acctIdPath": "",
"acctKeyField": "accountID"






You need to write java code using const in cp31 

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Hi Rushikesh,

Do you have any sample document.

"customproperty31": "#CONST#${String output1=response.roles.replaceAll(', ','\",\"'); beg= ' {\"Group\":{\"entIds\":[\"'; end= '\"],\"keyField\":\"entitlementID\"}}' ; output2= beg.concat(output1) ; finoutput= output2.concat(end) ; return finoutput}~#~char".

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Hi Rushikesh,

Thank you for the response, Could you please help me with the below query?
After the analysis, I revised the JSON to below as per the API response.

"accountParams": {
"connection": "acctAuth",
"processingType": "SequentialAndIterative",
"statusAndThresholdConfig": {
"deleteLinks": false,
"accountThresholdValue": 30,
"correlateInactiveAccounts": true,
"inactivateAccountsNotInFile": false,
"deleteAccEntForActiveAccounts": true
"call": {
"call1": {
"callOrder": 0,
"stageNumber": 0,
"http": {
"url": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/json/user/v1/xxx/listUsers",
"httpHeaders": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"httpMethod": "GET"
"listField": "",
"keyField": "accountID",
"colsToPropsMap": {
"accountID": "userId~#~char",
"name": "userId~#~char",
"displayName": "name~#~char",
"customproperty1": "email~#~char",
"customproperty2": "department~#~char",
"customproperty3": "branch~#~char",
"customproperty4": "telephoneNumber~#~char",
"customproperty5": "available~#~char",
"customproperty6": "enabledFrom~#~char",
"customproperty7": "disabledFrom~#~char",
"customproperty8": "workflowUser~#~char",
"customproperty9": "workflowUserType~#~char",
"customproperty10": "salespersonCode~#~char",
"customproperty11": "salesperson~#~char",
"customproperty12": "salesManager~#~char",
"customproperty13": "salesAdministrator~#~char",
"customproperty14": "underwriter~#~char",
"customproperty15": "sanctionOfficer~#~char",
"customproperty16": "rateSanctionOfficer~#~char",
"customproperty17": "suppInvoiceMismatchAuthorised~#~char",
"customproperty31": "STORE#ACC#ENT#MAPPINGINFO~#~char"
"entitlementParams": {
"connection": "acctAuth",
"processingType": "SequentialAndIterative",
"entTypes": {
"AuthorityGroups": {
"entTypeOrder": 0,
"call": {
"call1": {
"callOrder": 0,
"stageNumber": 0,
"http": {
"url": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/json/user/v1/xxxxxx/listAuthorityGroups",
"httpHeaders": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"httpMethod": "GET"
"listField": "",
"keyField": "entitlementID",
"colsToPropsMap": {
"entitlementID": "code~#~char",
"entitlement_value": "code~#~char",
"description": "description~#~char",
"acctEntMappingInfoColumnFromEnt": "STORE#ACC#ENT#MAPPINGINFO~#~char"
"acctEntMappings": {
"listField": "members",
"idPath": "",
"keyField": "accountID",
"importAsAccount": false
"acctEntParams": {
"connection": "acctAuth",
"entTypes": {
"AuthorityGroups": {
"call": {
"call1": {
"callOrder": 0,
"stageNumber": 0,
"processingType": "entToAcctMapping"
"Role": {
"call": {
"call1": {
"callOrder": 0,
"stageNumber": 0,
"processingType": "httpAcctToEnt",
"http": {
"url": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/json/user/v1/user/listStaticRolesForUser?userId=${id}",
"httpHeaders": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"httpMethod": "POST"
"listField": "",
"entKeyField": "entitlement_value",
"entIdPath": "",
"acctKeyField": "accountID"

As I mentioned earlier, the Application has 2 types of entitlement( AuthorityGroups and Role). But App don't have API to import entitlement of type Role. So we manually created the entitlement on Saviynt. But the Application has "AccountToEntitlement" import API, which I'm trying to use on the "acctEntParams" section of JSON.

Note-We are using a separate API only to import Account for "accountParams" section of JSON.

Could you confirm your suggested solution still applies to the new JSON with "processingType": "httpAcctToEnt" of acctEntParams?
If yes could you let me know,

Does Java code need to be in accountsParam of colsToPropsMap?
Is this "response. roles" part of the Java code referring to the response of entitlement type in acctEntParams?

It will be java codd with help of #CONST

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.