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Import email template not working as expected

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi Team , 

My requirement was to head header and footer to all the email templates in SSM . So i exported all templates using transport utility and then edited the email_template file to include the new header and footer . I zipped it properly along with the object file and while trying to import this into the ssm 

The system is able to detect the number of email templates it contains but when i procedd and click submit it says no request created and nothing gets changed . 

Please suggest . 

I have around 110 email templates , so it will be much time consuming to update each one manually .



whenever you change something directly in transport zip its there are tags which needs to encode otherwise json will break. since you are adding header & footer for all template.


  1. Update one template from UI & transport export
  2. use tags from exported template to rest of 100+ templates 

Rushikesh Vartak
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