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How to set a condition to get only internal transfer in User Update Rule

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I have a requirement that triggers a user update rule only for internal transferred users.

- user who have cp14(org id) changed.

- user who have u.companyname not changed.

I tried to achieve this by advanced config but keep being failed and there is no options for NOT UPDATED.

Please advise.


Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Hi @hokim90 try this

##a.value isupdated##

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Self resolved. Put 'not' keyword right before (##a.companyname isupdated##)

- ex. a.statuskey = 1 and (##a.customproperty34 isupdated##) and not (##a.companyname isupdated##)