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How to handle Update Account Tasks with no UpdateAccountJSON Config

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi ,

We have a SOAP Connector where we haven't configured any UpdateAccountJSON . We see UpdateAccount Tasks are created as part of updates to Dynamic Attribute . The Tasks are not closed and hence we have 2500+ in pending state . What is the best solution to close these Update Account Tasks .

But we have similar situation with a REST Connector (we haven't configured any UpdateAccountJSON) but the tasks are closed automatically.

Not sure if I am missing anything .Has anyone noticed this ? Any suggestions appreciated .


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

You can use /discontinueTask API

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Could you please share more details . I haven't used the API .

Usually we use custom query job and set the status as 8 but it may not be available in future release .

Here's the Postman documentation Link

Under Access Request > Tasks > Update Tasks, You can see two  API that you can use as per your requirements.





Avinash Chhetri

Avinash Chhetri

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Here is the API documentation, you will find details about discontinue tasks under Access Requests > Tasks > Update Tasks:


if you don't have UpdateAccountJSON then do not store dynamic attribute values in accounts customproperty by which it will not create update account task & you dont need to do extra API work

Rushikesh Vartak
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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Solution 1

Yeah I would go the route of not adding dynamic attributes as well, this just reduces complexity for you when you get to certifications as well. Its harder to defend to auditors why a task was closed without action or discontinued, it is better to not have the task create in first place.

Solution 2:-

Try just adding '{}' in Update account json it should just close the task in that case.

Solution 3:-

Even dummy Update account as posted above by using complete task or discontinue task api call.