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File Based Import Encoding Problem

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


We have a problem when we import users from a file based import.
Users with a first or last name with an accent are incorrectly displayed on Saviynt.
Example: José / Chloé

At first we had special characters instead of accents like this 



So we converted our file to UTF-8 and reimported it into Saviynt, but now a black diamond with a question mark appears instead of the accent.



Could you please help us correct this problem?


  • Use database functions to remove accent characters 

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.


Could you detail how to do it please ? 

Use database functions from the Saviynt application ? What type of request to do ? 

Because I have 1800 users and I can't check manually what users are badly encoded 



So we tried using this : 

        "USERS": "SELECT username, firstname, lastname, displayName FROM USERS"
        "UPDATE NEWUSERDATA SET firstname = FN_EIC_REPLACE(NEWUSERDATA.firstname, null)",
        "UPDATE NEWUSERDATA SET lastname = FN_EIC_REPLACE(NEWUSERDATA.lastname, null)",
        "UPDATE NEWUSERDATA SET displayName = FN_EIC_REPLACE(NEWUSERDATA.displayName, null)"

We entered this json in the part User Pre-Processor Config JSON in the page User File Based Import. Also our CSV file that contains those columns :


Selected First Row as Heading YES and then clicked on Upload and Preview
The preview still shows the special caracters. 

Are we doing it good or is there any mistake ? 


Did you added preprocessor JSON during import? 

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

We did it this way, 


We completed every field then clicked on upload and preview. Does it answer the question ? 

We haven't Imported as we don't see changes in the preview



Share logs

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

Could you help us finding the logs of the preview import 

We dont' find anything related to it

Do you have any keyword to search or anything ? 


Once you upload files share logs for last 3 minutes 

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

You can find the export of the last 3 minutes here 


Try with below JSON

{"ADDITIONALTABLES":{"USERS":"SELECT username, firstname, lastname, displayName FROM USERS"},"COMPUTEDCOLUMNS":["username","firstname","lastname","displayName"],"PREPROCESSQUERIES":["UPDATE NEWUSERDATA SET firstname = FN_EIC_REPLACE(NEWUSERDATA.firstname, null)","UPDATE NEWUSERDATA SET lastname = FN_EIC_REPLACE(NEWUSERDATA.lastname, null)","UPDATE NEWUSERDATA SET displayName = FN_EIC_REPLACE(NEWUSERDATA.displayName, null)"]}


Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.