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Create & Update user form - GSP Customization

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi All,

We are working on create and update user form through GSP customization.

We tried to acheive this from UI configuration but this has some latency issue and hence we are using the GSP customization approach as suggeted by Saviynt.

On update user form, we are displaying the default values for update user form. The default vaues are the values which will be pre-populated on form load and these values is fetched by running analytiics and reading the values.

We have a attribuet say Organization which is a mandatory attribute, and i try to submit the form without changing the organization value, the values is noot getting set and on submit gives error attribute cannot be NULL

On furthur debugging, we found that we pre-populated value is not set at the attribute level. 

When we try to fetch the value for organization, it shows NULL.

Attachinf the screenshot below for the same :


We are looking for some inputs on how do we populate the value on the form and set the value as well. The expected output is - on form load i run the comment $("#selectEnumORG_SELECTION").val(), it should return the value but currently it is returing NULL and taking as blank on submit.

I have attached the function to pre-populate the attributes on update user form load.

[This message has been edited by moderator to mask company name]


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @prachi ,

After checking your function, we see that a runtime analytics is being called. Looks like for the user that you are trying submit an update user request, the runtime analytics does not yield any result. The user does not have the organization populated on the user object.

Can you try with a user where in the organization is already set at the user level and validate if the request is getting submitted successfully or not?




Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Thanks for the response @DaanishJawed .

I am trying with a user which has organization set at the user level. PFB screenshot for the same :


As you can see in the screenshot, the values are displayed but on submit, it still says please enter the required attribute and which is the issue.


Hi @prachi ,

Please open a support ticket for the above. Looks like this need further debugging with attribute type being called in the GSP. Please attach the custom GSP in the FD ticket.

Also, I have attached a custom GSP documentation for your reference. Assuming you have referred the same for your GSP customization.
