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Clone Sav Role Admin to RO Admin

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


I am trying to clone our Admin Sav role to RO admin for our new user. All the access looks fine but the user does not have access to any of the Saviynt modules. He can see the home screen though.

Is there any other configurations I should be aware of that is denying the access to the modules?




In connection, under Default Sav Role, add the new READ ONLY SAV Role that you created.

Also can you make sure that you enabled (READONLY ROLE is enabled) below config in the SAV Role.




Devang Gandhi
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Devang, can you please specify what connection you are referring to?  The read only button is enabled on the newly created role.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

 I believe you are referring to this connection.

Yes, can you add your new sav role and check the behavior.

As best practice, please make the changes in DEV and validate it  before doing it in Prod directly.




Devang Gandhi
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Devang,

With default sav roles mentioned as read-only admin on the connections, the read-only admin user can access the connections with default role mentioned and security system/endpoint associated with these connections. But they are not able to see the security system and endpoint for disconnected applications. Is there a way to make these visible to them? 

Hi @PA ,

For disconnected applications, did you try making the read only admin user as the "Owner" of the endpoint?

Naveen Sakleshpur
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