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Clarity on 'User Not In Feed Action' option of UserImportJob

New Contributor III
New Contributor III
Hi Team,
While configuring a DATA -> User Import via a Connection (UserImportJob) job, we have seen the option 'User Not in Feed Action' and we wanted to confirm what setting this option as 'In-Activate' would do (from option (a) and (b)):
a) Will it deactivate the users which were in the previously run job import stream but are not there now? E.g. A previously onboarded user from this job is deleted in the target and is therefore not in the job input stream.
b) Will it inactive all the users in Saviynt that are not in the input stream? Be it the users which were onboarded from a different authoritative source (using different job).
Can you provide some insights on this?
Also, what other configuration we need to be aware about to implement this?



Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Rushikesh,

Thank you for sharing this. However, we have already gone through this documentation, but this does not provide us sufficient clarity to our questions. Also, we want to understand what other configuration we need to be aware about to implement this?


To the best of my knowledge, it also considers the source of the input feed and only inactivates the users from that connection, However, please validate.

Avinash Chhetri