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ASSIGNEDFROMRULE value is cleared after reconciliation

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

In the account_entitlements1 table, the 'assignedfromrule' value contains the rulekey for all the access that was assigned from birthright as expected. But these values are cleared out after we run a reconciliation from target. This prevents us from identifying the accesss that were assigned as birthright in certification.

Has anyone faced this issue?


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @SUMAIYA_BABU, was there any job failure recently? because what i have seen if there is a job failure it removes the record and after a successful run it created a new one with no taskkey.

  • Does ACCENTKEY is changed in account_entitlements1 table ?
  • Which connector is used here ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

@rushikeshvartak No, the accentkey remains the same, just the assignedfromrule value is cleared. The connector is AD.

This looks like defect please raise support tickets with required details

Rushikesh Vartak
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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

This issue is already reported internally, meanwhile as workaround you can schedule Retrofit job after the accounts import and before the user import jobs to make sure the value is populated on account_entitlements1 to evaluate Birthrights.