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ADSI Connector Intermittently Failing to Retrieve AD Objects

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Regular Contributor


We configured an ADSI connection for Active Directory integration in Production environment, after proper POC in the non-Prod without any issues. However, in the Production instance, we see that often the ADSI server is failing to retrieve AD objects, as a result the import jobs are failing with error message on Saviynt AD import job logs: Retried fetching data from agent for DC=am,DC=mds,DC=xxx,DC=com but could not get it from agent even after 4 retires.

On the ADSI logs, we are getting error message: domain has been skipped as the domain is not accessible by the agent. An operations error occurred. Also, on Postman we get error: Unable to get local Issuer certificate (400 Bad Request: The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.). Failed to retrieve objects (DIS_ERR_00015).


Most importantly, this issue is occurring intermittently, at least one a day, and sometimes it gets automatically resolved after couple of hours (as validated from Postman), and sometimes it takes a recycling of the ADSI Application Pool on the IIS Manager in ADSI server, and sometimes a total restart of the ADSI Application Pool and Site.
Due to this issue occurring intermittently, we are unable to schedule the ADSI access and account import jobs in Production environment, as it will fail if this issue reappears during the job execution.

PFA the Saviynt Job Log failure logs, ADSI logs, Postman Error Screen and the ADSI Server Application Pool on IIS Manager screenshots.

Please suggest if this issue can be resolved by any means.



It can be network issue.

Rushikesh Vartak
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