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04/12/2022 01:17 PM
Could you please help correct me the create account json if we no need to assign manager to user for some employees.
case1: Failed if we did not assign manager
\"manager\": \"${managerAccount?.accountID==null?'':managerAccount.accountID}\"
case 2: Success if we assign manager
Thanks in advance!!
Solved! Go to Solution.
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Ramana,
What error do you see in the logs ?
Avinash Chhetri
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for your response!
Please find below log while creating account getting issue
Nov 2021 06:50:51 GMT","server":"nginx","content-length":"54","x-response-time":"79.937ms","content-type":"text/html; charset=utf-8","etag":"W/\"36-mTFNQllCDRmGMeyQpcOlNHqY7io\""},"message":{"responseMessage":"Cast to ObjectID failed for value \"\" at path \"manager\""},"statusCode":400,"description":null,"status":"Failed"},{"headers":{"date":"Tue, 09 Nov 2021 06:53:10 GMT","server":"nginx","content-length":"54","x-response-time":"175.672ms","content-type":"text/html; charset=utf-8","etag":"W/\"36-mTFNQllCDRmGMeyQpcOlNHqY7io\""},"message":{"responseMessage":"Cast to ObjectID failed for value \"\" at path \"manager\""},"statusCode":400,"description":null,"status":"Failed"}]},"call1":{"headers":{"date":"Tue, 09 Nov 2021 06:55:49 GMT","server":"nginx","content-length":"119","x-response-time":"89.053ms","content-type":"text/html; charset=utf-8","etag":"W/\"77-jPtlCrOtzy0x/Cojpt4Wr98R/rQ\""},"message":{"responseMessage":"Cast to ObjectID failed for value \"${managerAccount?.accountID==null?\\'\\':managerAccount.accountID}\" at path \"manager\""},"statusCode":400,"description":null,"status":"Failed"}}
Persistent Systems
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Ramana,
This seems like the snippet from the tasks under provisioning comments I believe. What is the value of the manager field that Saviynt generates that you see in the logs.
What does the application expect in that value ? Which target sysem is this for ?
Avinash Chhetri
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hello Avinash,
This issue is observed even for AD account in V2021. Even if null check is added for managerAccount binding variable.
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for your comment
It is a rest connector and expecting either manager AccountID or null.
PFB ss from application manager search attribute.
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Ramana,
I assume the manager account ID is a username or is it an email or a DN ? Does this accountid also part of the managers profile (user profile) ?
If the user doesnt have a manager or manager doesnt have an account, youre expected to send a NULL value or an empty String like you have configured in your logic ?
Avinash Chhetri
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Thanks for your response
logic is failing if user doesn't have a manager and we are expecting to send empty.
\"manager\": \"${user?.manager==null||user.?manager==''?'':managerAccount.accountID}\"
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Ramana,
I can see a syntax error in your logic. It is always good to check the logs to see why it is failing.
\"manager\": \"${user?.manager==null||user.?manager==''?'':managerAccount.accountID}\"
\"manager\": \"${user?.manager==null||user?.manager==''?'':managerAccount.accountID}\"
Also using brackets to wrap your conditions in the logic would be a better way
\"manager\": \"${(user?.manager==null||user?.manager=='')?'':managerAccount.accountID}\"
Avinash Chhetri
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Avinash,
This is not resolved and am facing same issue.
am able to creating account from post man with null value of Manager label.
ex: "manager": null
am getting cast ObjectID error when trying from Saviynt.
Kindly suggest some other ways for null check of Manager label.
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Can you let me know which application is this for ?
Also please share the entire provisioning logic and the logs from the failed run to help you.
Avinash Chhetri
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for your response!!
Integrating Jump Cloud Rest Application with Saviynt V2021 and please find below logic and error.
\"manager\": \"${if(managerAccount?.accountID!=null){managerAccount.accountID}else {''}}\"
charset=utf-8","etag":"W/\"3a-f9qYsgAnmPaUeiY5ZdGz6XRpBp0\""},"message":{"responseMessage":"Cast to ObjectID failed for value \"null\" at path \"manager\""},"statusCode":400,"description":null,"status":"Failed"}]},
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Application logs where it shows the full sequence of events will be helpful.
Avinash Chhetri
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for your support!
PFA of application logs.
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Based on the information from the logs and as per my understanding, when your JSON is getting resolved, the manager entry is getting removed entirely (highlighted in the snippet below).
Here's what your logic gets resolved to:
\"firstname\": \"demo\",
\"lastname\": \"user999\",
\"middlename\": \"null\",
\"email\": \"demo.user999@dev.<REDACTED>.com\",
\"username\": \"demo.user999\",
\"employeeType\": \"null\", ,\"alternateEmail\": \"\"
I believe your manager logic is between the employeeType and the alternateEmail address.
Perhaps, try using a conditional operator e.g. ${managerAccount.accountID==null?'':managerAccount.accountID} and check the logs on what is it actually resolving to.
Avinash Chhetri
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for your reply!!!
Am getting same issue.
2021-12-09 06:31:24,554 [quartzScheduler_Worker-4] DEBUG rest.RestProvisioningService - Task Response: {"call1":{"headers":{"date":"Thu, 09 Dec 2021 06:31:24 GMT","server":"nginx","content-length":"117","x-response-time":"79.671ms","content-type":"text/html; charset=utf-8","etag":"W/\"75-0YUVHTi6CTQP9WvkbPrG+JFDqko\""},"message":{"responseMessage":"Cast to ObjectID failed for value \"${managerAccount.accountID==null?\\'\\':managerAccount.accountID}\" at path \"manager\""},"statusCode":400,"description":null,"status":"Failed"}}
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for your support!!!
As suggested, have tried with same condition but getting same issue.
2021-12-09 06:31:25,255 [quartzScheduler_Worker-4] DEBUG rest.RestProvisioningService - Task Response: {"call1":{"headers":{"date":"Thu, 09 Dec 2021 06:31:25 GMT","server":"nginx","content-length":"117","x-response-time":"99.931ms","content-type":"text/html; charset=utf-8","etag":"W/\"75-0YUVHTi6CTQP9WvkbPrG+JFDqko\""},"message":{"responseMessage":"Cast to ObjectID failed for value \"${managerAccount.accountID==null?\\'\\':managerAccount.accountID}\" at path \"manager\""},"statusCode":400,"description":null,"status":"Failed"}}
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Have you ever been successful to provision a account with a manager information in this application ?
If Yes, can you let me know if, every user is supposed to have a manager or not and every manager does have an account in that system ?
What is the value of the accountID attribute under accounts for user accounts ?
If not, Try and pass a static value in your JSON and try to provision the account. What is the data type that the manager field expects, a string ?
Avinash Chhetri
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for your continuous support!!!
We have created accounts with manager and can able to create account without manager at application end.
accountID value is String.
am getting same issue even passing the static value.
04/12/2022 02:53 PM
I believe you need to make it work with a static string first to understand how it actually works.
Just ensure the value you are passing in the manager field is exactly what the application expects.
Avinash Chhetri