Hi Team,
We are trying to pull and update the AD Display name to saviynt attribute but getting the below error after the Import. Can anyone help us on this.
No such property: description for class: groovy.sql.GroovyRowResult |
I have marked in Green color which we have added newly.
<before-import> </before-import>
<sql-query description="This is the Source DB Query" uniquecolumnsascommaseparated="username">
u.username as username,
a.customproperty33 as description,
a.status as ADAccountStatus,
a.customproperty28 as email,
concat(a.name,'@company.onmicrosoft.com') as remoteroutingaddress,
a.accounttype as accounttype
users u,
user_accounts ua,
accounts a
u.userkey = ua.userkey
and a.ENDPOINTKEY in (select endpointkey from endpoints where endpointname = 'ADlabEP')
and a.customproperty28 is not null
and (u.email IS NULL
OR u.phonenumber IS NULL
or u.email != a.customproperty28
or u.phonenumber != a.customproperty9)
and a.status not in ('SUSPENDED FROM IMPORT SERVICE','2','INACTIVE','Manually Suspended')
and a.accountid not like '%Saviynt Development%'
and a.name not in (select a.name from users u inner join user_accounts ua on u.userkey = ua.userkey inner join accounts a on ua.ACCOUNTKEY = a.ACCOUNTKEY where a.ENDPOINTKEY in (select endpointkey from endpoints where endpointname = 'ADlabEP') and a.status not in ('SUSPENDED FROM IMPORT SERVICE','2','INACTIVE','Manually Suspended') and a.accounttype in ("SECONDARY ACCOUNT","P"))
and u.username in ("user1","us2r1",user12")
<sql-query description="This is the Source DB Query for ADlabEP" uniquecolumnsascommaseparated="username">
SELECT u.username AS username, u.CUSTOMPROPERTY51 AS CUSTOMPROPERTY51, a.displayname AS displayname, a.status AS ADAccountStatus FROM users u JOIN user_accounts ua ON u.userkey = ua.userkey JOIN accounts a ON ua.ACCOUNTKEY = a.ACCOUNTKEY WHERE a.ENDPOINTKEY IN (SELECT endpointkey FROM endpoints WHERE endpointname = 'ADlabEP') AND a.status NOT IN ('SUSPENDED FROM IMPORT SERVICE', '2', 'INACTIVE', 'Manually Suspended')
<mapper description="This is the mapping field for Saviynt Field name" defaultrole="ROLE_ENDUSER" deleteaccountentitlement="false" ifusernotexists="noaction" dateformat="datetime">
<mapfield type="character" sourceproperty="email" saviyntproperty="email"></mapfield>
<mapfield type="character" sourceproperty="username" saviyntproperty="username"></mapfield>
<mapfield type="character" sourceproperty="description" saviyntproperty="customproperty30"></mapfield>
<mapfield type="character" sourceproperty="remoteroutingaddress" saviyntproperty="customproperty39"></mapfield>
<mapfield type="character" sourceproperty="displayname" saviyntproperty="CUSTOMPROPERTY51"></mapfield>
<after-import description="EMAIL">
Thank you,