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Issues found in Self Certification Campaign

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

I found following issues while testing Self Certification Campaign in Saviynt dev environment:

1) I first launched the Self Certification Campaign in preview mode for myself. When I go to Step-2(Access Approval), I can see 12 records pending for review. Now I activate the same Campaign and again go to Step-2: I find that no records are available. I guess this is a defect - please investigate.

2) What is the use of Step-1 (Employment Verification) in Self Certification Campaign because I can see my own user attributes + I cannot take any action (Self Assessment column shows a disabled list box with "No Response" as the selected text)


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Kaushik 

I can see Self certification is Beta feature and I am not sure it is fully ready. 

As per the documentation, I can see the below expected functionality for point no 2.

Reviewing and Signing-off Self Certification Campaign (Beta) (

Step 1: Employment Verification: This step involves manager verification where the user name specified under the Manager column displayed on the screen is verified. In case your manager has changed, you might see a pop-up window to select a new manager if this functionality has been enabled for you by your administrator. Select the new manager and click Submit. This change is reflected on the User Details page.

To verify your manager, select one of the following actions from the SELF ASSESSEMENT column:

  1. No Response: Use this action if you are not sure about your manager.

  2. Yes, this is my manager: Use this action if you are sure if the user name specified under the Manager column is your manager.

  3. No, this is not my manager: Use this action if your manager is different from the user name specified under the Manager column. 

You may need to select these options while configuring the self-certification if you are not able to see all these three options in dropdown.


Dhruv Sharma

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

I cannot find any of the 3 options specified by you during creation of a Self Certification Campaign - please refer attached screenshot. I can only see standard 4 options :

1) Works For me

2) Does not work for me

3) Terminated

4) Extend End Date

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Kaushik 

It seems these options are not available currently. I will check and let you know regarding this.


Dhruv Sharma

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Kaushik 

There is no separate config for them. You just need to create the campaign and all three options as mentioned above will be visible in the certification.

Please refer the screenshot below.


You need to enter the manual query to find the users whom the user need to review.

Screenshot for the Sample below.


Please recreate a campaign with proper query and see if you are getting the options.

The answer to question 1 is below.

Until you take action on the open items of the step 1, you will get no data available on step 2. This is expected behavior as per design.


Dhruv Sharma

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

I created a new Self Certification Campaign for myself but still getting same issue.

I did not select any option in [Show Employment Status Options] during campaign creation - please refer Self_Cert_Campaign_Config screenshot. I used manual query option to select myself as the certifier.

I do not see the 3 options mentioned by you in Step-1 - please refer attached screenshot Self_Cert_Campaign_Step1_View


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Kaushik 

Could you please provide the export of the campaign/certification configuration. Also please provide the SAV Role (along with the export of the feature access) of the user with which you are trying this. 


Dhruv Sharma

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Please find attached export of Campaign configuration.

I have access to ROLE_ADMIN SAV role - please find attached export of feature access