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Issue with SAP SOD that analyzing assigned users expired role

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We are working with SAP SOD. There are inactive permissions and roles in SAP that are not supposed to be considered in SOD violation analysis. However, SOD evaluation is currently analyzing inactive roles as well. How can we prevent the SOD violation analysis from excluding the inactive roles?


  • What is type of sod internal / external ?
  • if internal does entitlement are inactive ?
  • if roles are expired does clean up done on user profile in sap ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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It's internal SOD, and the SAP role are inactive in Saviynt, and risk is associated with that role. We need to exclude those inactive roles from the analysis.


If entitlement / sap role is inactive then you should also make respective function inactive or remove inactive entitlement from it

Rushikesh Vartak
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We have many inactive entitlements. Is there a solution to exclude them from the analysis?

Do you mean analytics?

Rushikesh Vartak
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