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Certification Auto Review Job

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

In the Saviynt documentation there is a feature to perform an automated access certification feature for certifying safe access wherein all safe items are automatically approved by the system and the certifier is still prompted to take action on critical items. Additionally, the certifier can still review system-approved items and reject them if required before signing off the certification. However, we are not able to locate such a job in the job control panel. Where can we find and enable this feature?


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @SamanthaMcManus ,

Can you please share the Saviynt documentation link that you are referring to ?


Looking for a response on this, please 

Hi @SamanthaMcManus ,

We are still checking this internally. Will keep you posted once we have some udpates.



Hi @SamanthaMcManus ,

This is currently not supported and has been deprecated. The documentation has been updated for 23.x.