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Hello team,I have a problem with my mail generation rule,I created users with special characters,example: firstname = ökîàéç and lastname = Lêäùèô ;my 1st mail generation rule having failed,I created a userupdate rule to trigger mail generation (i ba...
hello team,on a Sav4Sav connection, i'm using the preprocessor to update CP2,Clarification: these are users with an inactive status (do we agree that we can update users with an inactive status?).I want to test a new rule and I have modified my prepr...
Hello,I am currently trying to update my users created from my HRIS which is the authority source for identities,I'd like to push an Azure AD attribute value onto a saviynt user attribute.To do this, I've created a REST connection to perform my user ...
Hello team,We've noticed that some of our users with special characters like ö get an error when we try to update them. I then saw in the documentation (
Hello Team, I'm trying to delete a Security System that I created only for test purposes.But I get a message saying "Securitysystem EntraID_preprod_type_rest_azureAD could not be deleted".I then tried to delete the associated EndPoint but I couldn't ...
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‎09/18/2024 01:36 AM