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Hey there,We have some questions about the Advance search window in User Management1. Can we remove/hide some attributes that we don't use from Advance window?2. Can we rename of the attributes to the ones we need ? Thanks-Fran
Hi all,We have a requirement for sending email notification at specific time after the start date. Have you worked on a similar use case before? If so, do you mind sharing your solution with us? Thanks -Fran
Hi All,We have a requirement for timing WSRETRY jobs of joiner onboarding lifecycle. 1. After joiners onboarding, their AD accounts shall be provisioned right after to AD2. 30 min after AD account being provisioned, provision Birthright Group A to AD...
Hi all,We have a requirement for setting AD attribute accountExpires to today()+90 days while enabling a disabled account in AD.Have you worked on it before? If so, could you share your configuration/syntax with us? Thanks -Fran
Hi All,We have a requirement that Saviynt shall send an email for ServiceNow ( to raise a ticket, provision accounts, etc. However, ServiceNow didn't receive the email sent from Saviynt. There is no error. And Saviynt could...
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‎08/13/2024 06:55 PM