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We are trying to set accountexpires attribute in AD with enddate of user. If enddate of user is 19th feb then it should expire at the end of the 19th feb i.e., 19-02-2024 11:59:00. But in our case it is setting accountexpires as 19-02-1024 00:00:00 a...
Hi,We are trying to implement "Rehire" scenario where if an employee want's to join back then same identity and accounts should be enabled back.We have created UUR as below:As a part of re-run all provisioning rules, we are running below TR:This TR i...
We are trying to create accounts in Active Directory with below JSON:${Map attrs = new HashMap();attrs.put('objectclass', ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'user']);if(null!=user.displayname){attrs.put('displayname', user.displayname);}if(nul...
I am trying to set value of one user form attribute using another one but facing issue.There is 1 StartDate attribute in user forms which is a mandatory attribute and user has to fill it while submitting user creation i want to set value ...
Hi,New Account task for AD is failing with below error: Error while creating account extusernew107t in AD - Cannot invoke method replace() on null object.CreateAccountJson:${Map attrs = new HashMap(); attrs.put('objectclass', ['top', 'person', 'organ...
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‎02/27/2024 08:28 AM