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Hi Team,We have scheduled Full application data(account/access) Jobs twice a day & each jobs takes approx 3 hours of time for completion.Although we have scheduled delta(incremental) jobs for every 1-2 hours.So my question is what should be the Ideal...
Hi All, I need a SQL query to fetch all such users -where A is the manager of B and B is a manager of APlease help. 
Hi All,We have Max authentication session in SSO config as 7200 minutes & In Global config-> Http Session Time Out In Minute(s) value is 360.So, what will be the final session value & what is the difference between these two? 
Hi All,For Contract based Employees we allow manager to login & submit user detail(through User Management-> Create User request) for their identity & accounts creation.So for this use case we are facing a issue - The Saviynt Joiner form allows manag...
Hi All,I have a query reg Connection failure & notification - how to trigger email notification when connection got failed in Saviynt.Test connection only updated Status of the connection so we will be notified for connection failure.