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We are trying to enable Password reset from Saviynt for end users. We have created multiple AD Security System for different use case like Domain accounts,Admin Accounts and PAM Accounts. We want to enable password reset feature from ARS only for Dom...
Hi, I wanted the course information to be stored in single coloumn using comma seperated values . How can I acchieve this in UserImport JSON for REST connector.   {"collection": [{"Company Code": 484174,"Company Code Desc": "XYZ LTD","Employee Number...
Hi,We have an application where  user can have only one entitlement . We have roles created for the application and added the entitlement. Now when an existing user is rasing the request for a new role (which has entitlements) it is getting provision...
Im trying to change the email(change only the domain) for an user during internal company transfer occurs. During the transfer  sometime there will be transfer start date and end date will be passed from HR source and the date difference should be gr...
Im trying to import Accounts , Ent and acct Ent mapping from single API call. I was able to import accounts and entitlement. However acct ent mapping is imported only when the user is having single entitlement if the user is having multiple entitleme...
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‎07/22/2024 03:22 AM