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Hi Saviynt Team,We have a requirement where we have to compare the saviynt attribute with the target attribute and I'm trying to reference the table using the below syntax in the filter but its not working. https://URL/odata/v2/EmpJob?$select=startDa...
Hi Saviynt team,I am facing an issue while trying to store ProxyAddresses in USERATTRIBUTE_EMAIL from AzureAD. Its not able to store all the ProxyAddresses which I can see in Postman. I am also storing the ProxyAddress in CP60 and it's able to store ...
 Hi Saviynt Team,We have a job that we created to import users from AzureAD connection. the job is running and it's getting completed without an end date and time and no user is getting updated or created.  PFA screenshot for the same  We didn't face...
Hi Saviynt Team,I am facing the issue of achieving uniqueness in CN value. If I am trying to create the user with the same firstname and lastname it's correlating with the same CN value. Can you tell me if there is any error in this or is there any d...
Hi Saviynt Team,I need to remove accented character while generating email and systemusername I have written the below logic. Its working for the first user when I m uploading but not working when I m trying to upload the second with the same firstna...
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‎05/23/2024 12:41 PM