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HI,  I am looking at create.gsp page to create AD groups. Can we make Owner as mandatory field for the groups created. Let me know if any one has acheived it.  Is it possible to make requested as the default rank1 for the group created?
Hi Team,Can we send out a notification on Microsoft Teams where there is a request pending Approval? Is that possible? Did any configure it? Let me know how to achieve it.I read through
HI , Can we invoke python script and copy access token and pass it to REST call. Is this possible? Did any one try? I am trying to generate JWT token but not successful. I have written python script and able to generate the token. 
HI, is there any way we can give access to the application owner to revoke/modify access to users who have access to that application? Example: AD application owner should have rights to modify AD accounts from ARS. He should only see AD accounts but...
Hi , I am trying to integrate AppStore with Saviynt and Appstore is using JWT token for Authentication. I have generated key file (.p8) format and wanted to check if Saviynt Supports .P8 key file?How do i import .P8 file into Datafiles for autheticat...
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‎10/19/2023 03:17 AM