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Hi,We have a use case where we have to trigger the "UpdateUser task" first in the User Update Rule and then the "re-run selected technical rules" actions should be triggered.I have attached a screenshot of the rule.In our case, the re-run selected te...
I am trying to user ${password} instead of {randomPassword} but it fails with the error "No such property password". Below is the json {"RESET":{"pwdLastSet":"0","title": "password reset","userPassword":"${randomPassword}"}Is there any other way to s...
Hi,We have a requirement where we have to update the AccountType of the attribute of the users AD account while provisioning.Our CreateAccountJson excerpt is shown below."comment":"${accttype}" where accttype is the dynamic attribute of type String a...
Hi,We have a requirement to fetch whether the email was successfully sent upon successful completion of an account creation.The email template is attached to the endpoint.When the task was completed successfully, and when the email was triggered succ...
Hi,When we use the below:${com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.Users.get('235507').email}We are able to send the email, where 235507 is the USERKEYIs there a way to fetch the userKey when we only know the Username ?Can we use any method any meth...
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‎08/08/2023 10:32 AM