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Checkbox dynamic attribute default value

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor


do you know how to set a default value for a checkbox dynamic attribute as False?

I have created a new dynamic attribute with the type "checkbox" and by default on the form it is "checked". How to make it unchecked by default?

I was trying to assign default as 0, false and False but it doesn't work








Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Thank you for reaching out to the Saviynt forums. We are currently investigating your issue and would appreciate your assistance in providing some additional details.Could you please specify the Saviynt version in which you are encountering this problem?Furthermore, if you could kindly share the specific use case and steps required to replicate the issue.Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we work towards resolving the issue.


thanks for checking it out!

Our use case is to include several custom consents in the User Register form, where users can provide their consent by checking a checkbox. It is important to ensure that the consent checkboxes are initially unchecked by default and mandatory. This is necessary to ensure that users actively engage with the agreement statement and make an informed decision before giving their consent. Without this default state, the inclusion of these checkboxes would lose its intended purpose.

To replicate the case, follow the steps:

1. Create a dynamic attribute with the type "checkbox"

2. Set a default value for the dynamic attribute as false

3. Open a "Create user form"

4. The new attribute should not "checked" initially

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Thank you for providing the update.We acknowledge your query and assure you that our team is actively investigating the matter. We understand the importance of addressing your concerns promptly, and we are committed to providing you with a comprehensive update as soon as possible.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi Olesia,

      To have new attribute checkbox without checked initial. Do the following.

  1. Open a "Create user form" 
  2. Create a dynamic attribute with the type "checkbox”.
  3. Set the options in Value columns.
  4. Keep the Default value as blank.
  5. Click on Save.

Then you will see in form the check box is unchecked initially. Refer below screen shots for your reference.










thank you, kishorekumarmb for your reply, I was able to achieve the needed!





In order to use default values , you should have same value in values section

Rushikesh Vartak
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The customer dont want to use default value.They want check box to be deafault value should be balnk.