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Best Practice to provision access based on position title

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

We currently have basic provisioning access tech rules for a Joiner and I'm wondering what the best way would be to provision AD groups for certain positions based on an attribute.

For example:

We have 100 customer contact users, 75% of the AD access groups are the same for that position. We have 50 accounts clerk users, 85% of the AD access groups are the same for that position. 

For each scenario, do we

1. Make the AD groups members of a new AD group which would simulate a role. 

2. Create a technical rule for each scenario to assign the role based on the position title attribute as a condition and select birthright, detective and remove options. 

3. Create a detective job for each scenario to pick up any outliers. 

I don't really want a rule for each position is there a way to concatenate the position within actions of the technical rule or detective job.

e.g one for rule 2 scenarios


users Position = Customer Contact or Position = Accounts Clerks


Assign Groups ROLE_<position>

Or is there a better overall approach than tech rules, detective etc, like analytics?.






You can prepare dynamic rule 


Scenario 1: Provisioning Enterprise Role based on Dynamic Values

Rushikesh Vartak
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Thanks Rushikesh for pointing me in the right direction. All working with one rule which can now provision many AD group roles. For anyone wanting to do the same

I setup the advanced query as per below which will grow as we onboard each role

Condition: adv query

a.statuskey=1 AND a.jobcodedesc LIKE 'Casual Lifeguard' AND a.customer is null


object type: XX Active Directory::memberof

object: CN=Role_${user.jobcodedesc},ou=abc,ou=efg,dc=internal

ticked all options after as I want it to be birthright, removed if they change roles and detective functionality.

This rule adds AD Group: ROLE_Casual Lifeguard