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05/19/2023 07:24 AM
unable to onboard the windows local accounts in CPAM.
steps followed:
1. master connection created
2. onprem connection, Security system, and Endpoint created
3. manual onboarding csv created with the server details
4. created an extension jar job ---job execution failed
Note: verified the onboarding arguments passed, string has the updated details.
05/23/2023 01:47 PM
@Sankhadeep Thanks for posting your question. Up on reviewing your PAM Config I have observed that it does not have WINDOWS section in it. Please add the windows section, update the values according to your env and then retry the job.
Nagesh K
06/19/2023 10:53 AM
@NageshK I have verified and noticed that the connection has Windows PAM Config details but I believe you checked the unix PAM config connection which doesn't have the Windows details. However I have updated the Windows PAM config JSON parameters from the v23.X document today and I have sent the connection, SS and EP details with error logs to you in an email.