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How can owner track whether change password action on service account is completed or not?



I'd like to explore the possibility of enabling service account owners to monitor the status of password change actions for service accounts after submitting a request. This is particularly crucial in cases of failure.

Currently, when owners attempt to change the service account password and submit the request, they receive a message saying, "Congratulations! Your request has been submitted"


However, there's no request associated with it. In the background, Saviynt generates a Change Password Task that remains untrackable by the service account owner.

While we've implemented a Task completion email for successful actions, how can the owner be informed in the event of a failure? It's vital that owners are aware when the password change action is not successfully completed, especially for service accounts.

Please advise if there's a method to achieve this, or if it requires an enhancement request.

Note: I'm already exploring the analytics solution to address this issue, however we may not be able to send notifications to the specific owner who initiated the action.

Thank you

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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

@Saathvik Thanks for posting your question. We are checking on the feasibility of such notification and will respond at the earliest. 


Nagesh K