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workflow wrongly goes to Admin when JobFunction = "No Change"

New Contributor
New Contributor


We have an application with multiple level of approval.

1st level approval is going to manager correctly. 

where as in 2nd level approval we are using a query to  determine the usergroup and users 

query : select distinct ugu.USERKEY from user_groups ug join usergroup_users ugu on ug.USERGROUPKEY=ugu.USER_GROUPKEY where ug.USER_GROUPNAME in ('${FROCRoles.replaceAll(',','\',\'')}','${FROCOptionalRoles.replaceAll(',','\',\'')}','FROC eLearning')

But in this step, the approval is going to the Admin(admin) not the correct group, when there is no FROCROLES and FROCoptionalROles selected. (When Job function is selected as "No change" the above attribute will get hidden)

Even if FROCRoles and Optional Roles are NULL when JOb function = No change, Then according to this query it should go the ELearning team.

The attributes "FROC Roles" and FROC Optional Roles" , Job Function are dynamic attributes in ARS form.

How could we change this query to get it working properly.


Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Hi @Jasmeen , which character are you trying to replace.can you share text format.

And frocroles and frocoprional roles are dynamic attribute right?

New Contributor
New Contributor


No I dont have the text format, 

Yes both are dynamic attributes


Either or dynamic attribute should be mandatory. If those are not selected it will not find user group and request will be assigned to admin this is expected behavior 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi Rushikesh,

In the query with the dynamic attrobutes, eLearning group is also there, which is a static group, should it not be calculated?

Keep that group first in list

Rushikesh Vartak
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I tried that, but it also did not work, approval is still going to admin.

Could you kindly provide a detailed snapshot of the information extracted from the logs, encompassing errors and other pertinent functionality details encountered during the execution of this process? Your assistance in furnishing this information would greatly aid in the analysis and resolution of any issues .

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Rushikesh Vartak
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