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Workflow for some specific entitlements

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor


We have a configuration where accounts are birthright in AD while the groups are assigned via RBAC according to the user's title.

We have some specific groups for which we need to have a workflow. For example:

User's title = IAM

According to the RBAC model groups 'A','B','C' should be given.

The 'C' group here should go through a manager approval workflow.

How can we achieve this?

Thank you.


Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Hi @TheSaviyntBoy , is C entitlement requestable seperately or added in a role?

Are all the entitlement/role been assigned birthright??

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @NM 

No Entitlements are requestable but the C entitlement should flow the workflow.

And yes the C entitlement is already added in the role.

Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Hi @TheSaviyntBoy you can't trigger workflow if you are assigning it through birthright.

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi, @NM Is there any way to auto-trigger the approval process for that particular entitlement without making it requestable?

No. Entitlement should be requestable and added by user then. Only it will follow workflow 

Rushikesh Vartak
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