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Where is the custom jar log file in Saviynt v2021?

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

My custom JAR should be writing logs to below location but how do I see Isolated logs for the custom JAR?


I want to be able to check the logs only for my jar and I don't see a way to do such filter in the Application Logs UI


Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

To my knowledge, custom, isolated, logs is no longer a thing in v2021+ due to the architectural changes made to the core product.

The advice I've received is to print all log statements to STDOUT. From where you'd be able to view the logs from the Application Logs UI under the ECM / ECM-worker categories.


"Containers will push all stdout logs to elastic search which can be easily accessed from UI using application logs functionality"


Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Thanks for the info Paul, I too noticed that print statements were also appearing in the logs in v2021 along with logger entries.
Guess I'll have to add a unique keyword to all my prints to filter the logs out. I did quite enjoy the peace of mind in v5.5 when there was no clutter in my custom logs, and I could easily see my logs against plain black background. Now every time I have to look into the logs I get anxiety.

The new logs seem to have low time precision and are not even sorted correctly:


Please excuse me for my rant while I head over to submit a defect.