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username and systemusername

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor


Can somebody explain the technical difference between the 'username' and 'systemusername' user attributes? Or any documentation that explains this? Are these typically set to the same value from the HR source? Is 'employee ID' or some unique ID typically used for username/systemusername? Trying to understand some best practices around the usage for these 2 attributes. 



  • user name - This is used to login into system and should be unique across user base.
  • Systemusername - this can be used as system or internal id can be blank and duplicate
  1. Username:

    • The "username" attribute often represents the user's unique identifier within the organization's applications or systems. It's the name or identifier that the user uses to log in to various systems or applications.
    • This attribute is often human-readable and may follow certain naming conventions set by the organization. It's used for day-to-day interactions with systems and services.
  2. System Username:

    • The "systemusername" attribute, on the other hand, might be an identifier used internally by the organization's IT systems or directories. It's often a technical identifier and may not be directly visible or used by end-users.
    • This attribute could be an identifier used by backend systems for authentication or internal processing purposes. It might be auto-generated or follow a specific format set by the organization's IT policies.

Rushikesh Vartak
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