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User update task failure --> Error while calling webservice

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Team,

We're getting the below error while performing the update user operation.

Error while updating user 84006010 - Error while calling webservice AxisFault: faultCode: {}Client.validationError faultString: Validation error occurred. You cannot initiate this action because there are other pending or completed actions for the worker that conflict with this one. faultDetail: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ns1:Validation_Fault xmlns:ns1="urn:com.workday/bsvc"> <ns1:Validation_Error> <ns1:Message>You cannot initiate this action because there are other pending or completed actions for the worker that conflict with this one.</ns1:Message> <ns1:Detail_Message>Element 6$44918 Restricted by 103$18386</ns1:Detail_Message> <ns1:Xpath>/wd:Maintain_Contact_Information_for_Person_Event_Request[1]/wd:Maintain_Contact_Information_Data[1]</ns1:Xpath> </ns1:Validation_Error> </ns1:Validation_Fault>

Please help us to understand the issue and resolve the same.


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @MK_0o7,

I appreciate you contacting saviynt forums. We are checking into this and will keep you posted.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

The error message you’re seeing is a validation error from the Workday Human Resources web service. It’s indicating that there are other pending or completed actions for the worker that conflict with the action you’re trying to initiate.

The specific error message is: “You cannot initiate this action because there are other pending or completed actions for the worker that conflict with this one.”

This is often caused by trying to update a record that is currently being updated by another process, or there are changes that haven’t been fully processed yet.

You might want to check if there are any pending actions for the user with ID 84006010 that could be causing this conflict. If there are, you may need to wait for those actions to complete before attempting your update again.

Please validate and let us know if further details are needed on this.