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User onboarding approval flow

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi Everyone,

We have a requirement to use user form to create users and add a dynamic attribute to map manager username to the user Owner.

Now if we want to create a workflow, what would be the customquery if the request needs to go to manager mentioned in the form.

If we have a secondary manager in the form and we need a workflow where if the secondary manager is assgined, the approval should go to secondary manager. What to add in the workflow's if else statement to get it working?

Any answers would be appreciated


  • Sample if else conditions 
    • ((dynamicAttributes.get('customproperty61') != null) and (dynamicAttributes.get('customproperty61') == 'Leaver')))
      • customproperty61 will be users column from dynamic attribute.
  • Custom Query 
  • select u.userkey from users u where lower(u.userkey) in (select lower(raa.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) from request_access_attrs raa , ars_requests ar, request_access ra WHERE ar.REQUESTKEY = ra.REQUESTKEY and ra.REQUEST_ACCESSKEY = raa.REQUEST_ACCESS_KEY and ar.REQUESTKEY=${} and raa.ATTRIBUTE_NAME='secondaryManager')

Rushikesh Vartak
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