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Understanding the logs to narrow down the search.

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hello all, I'm trying to find any documentation regarding understanding the logs. I am getting too much noise when trying to pinpoint the issue. Almost 10k lines gets printed within a matter of seconds, it would be nice to filter things by category or something like job failure/analytics failure, rule failure to execute or external jar's method invocation failure.




Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Thank you for the response @rushikeshvartak . we are also facing intermittent service outage causing the lifecycle events to fail mostly. would that prevent log print? one example is email was not generated during the outage. Upon looking into logs, this is what I saw, (for context we use jar for email generation)



Rushikesh Vartak
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I didn't follow that, are you suggesting using the postman to send out an email? If so, our issue is email address value generation. we have other means to generate in case of the failure but i'm trying to find out why it failed to generate user email, as the picture above suggests the class path and method are empty, no further information is relevant, so was trying to understand if the service outage caused it and further related logs failed to print as well.

  • Your issue is Jar is unable to process logic.
  • if jar job is failed you can schedule analytics to send failed job notification.
  • if jar is unable to generate email then you can generate log file or send email to support team 

Rushikesh Vartak
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