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Task Type check for User Update Rule in Create Ticket JSON

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Regular Contributor

Hi all,
I need to create a Ticket in Freshservice application for MOVER scenario.
I need to include all the entitlement details in the ticket description.

MOVER Scenario:
When the user department is updated all the account entitlements should be removed and new entitlements should be added.

I have configured,
User Update rule: Deprovision Access (Only Access) AND Re-run selected Technical Rules.
Technical rule :      Assign Entitlements.

The below screenshot defines the
tasktypes (1=Add Access, 2=Remove Access) and task sources (PROVRULE/ZERODAY) of the tasks that were generated for the MOVER scenario.


Based on the tasktype and source, I am creating the ticket's Subject & Description.
I am using the below CREATETICKETJSON to create the ticket, but I fail to create the ticket for the MOVER scenario.

"call": [
"name": "call1",
"connection": "acctAuth",
"url": "",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"httpParams": "{\"subject\":\"${(task.tasktype==3 && task.source=='ZERODAY') ? 'Onboard - Add Account Ticket : ':(task.tasktype==14 && task.source=='PROVRULE') ? 'Offboard - Disable Account Ticket: ':((task.tasktype==2 && task.source=='PROVRULE') || (task.tasktype==1 && task.source=='ZERODAY')):'Mover Ticket:':''}\",\"email\":\"\",\"description\":\"${(task.tasktype==3 && task.source=='ZERODAY') ? 'The below user is Onboarded: (task.tasktype==14 && task.source=='PROVRULE') ? 'The below user is Offboarded':((task.tasktype==2 && task.source=='PROVRULE') || (task.tasktype==1 && task.source=='ZERODAY')) ? 'Update the below user Account & Access':''}<div><strong>Requested Entilements:</strong> ${allEntitlementsValues.replace('ADD :: ','').replace('REMOVE :: ','').replace('\n','').replace('(','').replace(')','')},\"priority\": 1, \"status\": 2}",
"httpHeaders": {
"contentType": "application/json",
"Authorization": "${access_token}"
"httpContentType": "application/json",
"ticketidPath": "",
"unsuccessResponses": {
"message": "Failed"

I assume that because of the all the tasks were generated at the same time for a single userupdate rule it is failing to check the task.tasktype and task.source condition checks.

Please let me know how can I check the conditions and create the ticket in this MOVER scenario.

Thanks & Regards,
Saviynt Savvy



{\"Subject\":\"${if(((task.tasktype==12 || task.tasktype==2) && task.source=='PROVRULE') || (task.tasktype==1 && task.source=='ZERODAY')) ? 'Update User Access':''}}\"

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Hi @rushikeshvartak , 
I have edited my post and elaborated on my requirements in detail.
Please go through the requirements once and suggest any ideas.

Thanks & Regards,
Saviynt Savvy

What is error you are getting in logs 

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.


@Saviynt_Savvy refer a sample below which I am using for SNOW :

Short description attribute :


{\"short_description\":\"${if(task.source=='PROVRULE' && task?.tasktype==14){'[NO ACTION REQUIRED]:'} else if(task.tasktype==14){'[NO ACTION REQUIRED]:'} else if(task.requestKey?.requesttype==3 || task.requestKey?.requesttype==11 && task.tasktype==3){''}else if(task.tasktype==2 && (allEntitlementsValues==null || allEntitlementsValues.isEmpty() || allEntitlementsValues=='')){''}else if(task.source=='PROVRULE' && task?.tasktype==2){''}else if(task.tasktype==2){''}else if(task.requestKey?.requesttype != 3 && task?.tasktype==1){''}else if(task.tasktype==6){''}else if(task.tasktype==12){''}else{task.tasktype}} Implementation: ${if(task.requestKey?.requesttype==3 || task.requestKey?.requesttype==11 && task.tasktype==3){'New Account and Grant Access'}else if(task.tasktype==2 && (allEntitlementsValues==null || allEntitlementsValues.isEmpty() || allEntitlementsValues=='')){'Delete Account'}else if(task.source=='PROVRULE' && task?.tasktype==2){'Revoke Access'}else if(task.tasktype==2){'Revoke Access'}else if(task.requestKey?.requesttype != 3 && task?.tasktype==1){'Grant Access'}else if(task.tasktype==6){'Enable Account'}else if(task.tasktype==12){'Update Account'}else if(task.source=='PROVRULE' && task?.tasktype==14){'Disable Account'} else if(task.tasktype==14){'Disable Account'}else{task.tasktype}} for ${user.displayname}
Manish Kumar
If the response answered your query, please Accept As Solution and Kudos

Hi @Manu269  
I have edited my post and elaborated my requirements in detail.
Please go through the requirements once and suggest any ideas.

Thanks & Regards,
Saviynt Savvy