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SuccessFactors REST Connection not working after updating to Savyint V23

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor


last year I developed a SuccessFactors REST Connection for version 5.5 and used it to import users.

A Saviynt update to version 23.7 has now been carried out.
We have now also received a new client_id and a new private_key for SuccessFactors. 

With Postman the new values work and we receive an Access_Token and can continue working with it.

But if we only change the new client_id and the new private_key in the ConnenctionJSON, then the import job in Saviynt no longer works. We get a 401 in the log:


This is what the connection JSON looks like:


Has anything changed in Saviynt?
How can we debug the REST calls in Savyint to find the problem?

As I said: only the client_id and the private_key have changed and we only changed these two values in our old code/configuration. In Postman the connection works with these new values, but not in Saviynt.


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

can you share the complete log file. Based on the above log screenshot you got a 401 the first time but looks like the application did make any call based on the retry logic defined and the 2nd call was successful. The complete logs might share a more detailed picture of the issue. 

Also, can you check (from postman call) if the response/token path values are correct or in case they have changed 


Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

The response/token path values are correct. Everything works in postman.
Here is the complete log file (anonymized):


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @aro 

As discussed, please try to use the hard coded token from postman and see if its working.


Example connection json:

"authentications": {
"userAuth": {
"authType": "oauth2",
"url": "",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"httpParams": {
"company_id": "xxx",
"client_id": "xxx",
"grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer",
"assertion": "${refresh_token}",
"new_token": "true"
"httpHeaders": {},
"httpContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"authError": [
"Unable to authenticate the client",
"Invalid OAuth token Bearer",
"Unable to retrieve access token"
"retryFailureStatusCode": [
"errorPath": "",
"maxRefreshTryCount": 5,
"tokenResponsePath": "access_token",
"refreshType": "RefreshToken",
"tokenType": "Bearer",
"accessToken": "Bearer QiOnsiYXBpS2V5IjoiTlRoaU9URmtaVEpoWkRneVl6Y3hOakJsWm1ObU1HWTBOamhsTWciLCJzZlByaW5jaXBsZSI6IlNBVklZTlQjRElWI2ZlcnJlcm9pbnRUNSIsImlzc3VlZEZvciI6IlNhdml5bnQyIiwic2NvcGUiOiIiLCJpc3N1ZWRBdCI6MTY3MDI0NjQ0OTI1MywiZXhwaXJlc0F0IjoxNjcwMzMyODQ5MjUzfSwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiU2RSSjN3Uk0xRExzVEl2RmJtaU5TU1FKWktrbFFOajhNRDljc014WVFqNis4MmwyTklNWUJSdk9GL0lucHFKVVQwcjJRRU9nRmU3MjJSUXJjNjVCOTY0Ym1YRmk1QjA3QW1kRG91SDc4V2s0U2NPU2IramtTcDFJS3lzSWN0WlZ3MWlUY3pYYzRVQ2hGUXZiQjBZdk9yM2NBNVpwYm",
"refreshToken": "Bearer QiOnsiYXBpS2V5IjoiTlRoaU9URmtaVEpoWkRneVl6Y3hOakJsWm1ObU1HWTBOamhsTWciLCJzZlByaW5jaXBsZSI6IlNBVklZTlQjRElWI2ZlcnJlcm9pbnRUNSIsImlzc3VlZEZvciI6IlNhdml5bnQyIiwic2NvcGUiOiIiLCJpc3N1ZWRBdCI6MTY3MDI0NjQ0OTI1MywiZXhwaXJlc0F0IjoxNjcwMzMyODQ5MjUzfSwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiU2RSSjN3Uk0xRExzVEl2RmJtaU5TU1FKWktrbFFOajhNRDljc014WVFqNis4MmwyTklNWUJSdk9GL0lucHFKVVQwcjJRRU9nRmU3MjJSUXJjNjVCOTY0Ym1YRmk1QjA3QW1kRG91SDc4V2s0U2NPU2IramtTcDFJS3lzSWN0WlZ3MWlUY3pYYzRVQ2hGUXZiQjBZdk9yM2NBNVpwYm",
"refreshTokenAuthError": [
"Unable to retrieve SAML assertion",
"The provided SAML assertion is expired"
"refreshTokenErrorPath": "errorMessage",
"refreshTokenCall": {
"refreshTokenResponsePath": "",
"url": "",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"httpParams": {
"client_id": "xx",
"user_id": "xx",
"token_url": "",
"new_token": "true"
"httpHeaders": {},
"httpContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


If you still face a issue with hard coded token in connection json, please raise a support ticket with the details




Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor


we have found a solution.
You have to change the two parameters refreshTokenAuthError and refreshTokenErrorPath:
