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Stored Procedure - Saviynt DB

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Is it possible to create stored procedures for Saviynt DB to execute certain SQL scripts which cannot be done in the UI. For eg my usecase is to generate user name with following pattern -

the combinations of the first 1 letter of firstname concatenated with lastname, first 2 letters of firstname concatenated with lastname, and so on, up to the length of the firstname.

For Anurag Goyal, it should generate - a.goyal , an.goyal,anu.goyal,anur.goyal,anura.goyal,anurag.goyal.

Not sure if this would work with a static query like - 

CONCAT(SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 1), '.', lastname) ,
CONCAT(SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 2), '.', lastname) ,
CONCAT(SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 3), '.', lastname) ,
CONCAT(SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 4), '.', lastname) ,
CONCAT(SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 5), '.', lastname) ,
CONCAT(SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 6), '.', lastname) ,
CONCAT(SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 7), '.', lastname) ,
CONCAT(SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 8), '.', lastname) ,
CONCAT(SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 9), '.', lastname) ,
CONCAT(SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 10), '.', lastname) 

Thanking in Advance 🙂



Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi @ag420 , Stored procedure are not supported by Saviynt now.

You can call a Java code in inline preprocessor or run it by via scheduled Job. This is when you can not achieve your case with ootb features.



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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

But then username would only be generated when import is done from that specific connector. We have more than one source

  • You need to custom Extension or use advanced query under username generation to generate 
  • Stored procedure / no database modification are supported in EIC

Rushikesh Vartak
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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

You could use the same code in preprocessor for all user imports (from different sources)

Also, as I mentioned above , you can have a scheduled Jar Job that can set it up if you dont want to do it during imports