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Scheduling the Certificate Expiry Email Notifications

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New Contributor

We need to have a configuration set , whenever a certificates mapped to any connection expires, then notification need to be sent to specific users which we specify than the members of the default SAV role assigned to that connection.

Also please confirm, if we configure expiry notifications to certificates mapped to connections, then will Saviynt notifies expiration of  certificates that are not mapped to any connections also?



use OOTB report and configuration.

Query :

select u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname, ss.alias, ss.valid_to, ec.connectionname from users u, externalconnection ec, sav_sslcert ss, user_savroles us, savrole_permission sp where DATEDIFF(VALID_TO, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) < (select configdata from configuration where name='DAYS_BEFORE_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRY') AND DATEDIFF(VALID_TO, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) > 0 AND ec.sslcertificate=ss.cert_key AND sp.accesskey=ec.externalconnectionkey AND us.rolekey=sp.savrolekey AND u.userkey=us.userkey UNION select DISTINCT u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname, ss.alias, ss.valid_to, '' as connectionname from users u, sav_sslcert ss, externalconnection ec where userkey in (select userkey from user_savroles where rolekey in (select rolekey from savroles where rolename='ROLE_ADMIN')) AND cert_key NOT IN ( select cert_key from sav_sslcert ss, externalconnection ec where ss.cert_key=ec.sslcertificate ) AND DATEDIFF(VALID_TO, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) < (select configdata from configuration where name='DAYS_BEFORE_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRY') AND DATEDIFF(VALID_TO, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) > 0;




Subject : Expiration Notification for SSL Certificate(s) ${ANALYTICSDATA.alias}

Body :

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> table { font-family: arial, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> </head> <body> Hi ${ANALYTICSDATA.firstname[0]} ${ANALYTICSDATA.lastname[0]},<br><br> The below mentioned SSL Certificates are going to expire soon. Please update the certificates to aviod any connection disruption:<br><br> <table> <tr><th>Certificate Name</th><th>Certificate Expiry Date</th><th>Connection Name</th></tr> <% int count=Integer.parseInt("${ANALYTICSDATA.alias.size()}"); for(int i=0;i<count;i=i+1){%><tr><td>${ANALYTICSDATA.alias[i]}</td><td>${ANALYTICSDATA.valid_to[i]}</td><td>${ANALYTICSDATA.connectionname[i]}</td></tr> <% } %> </table> <br><br> Regards,<br> Saviynt Admin Team <br> </body> </html>



Rushikesh Vartak
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