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Salesforce Modify Account Json or Salesforce Modify Account Json when Entitlement is selected

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I am using Salesforce OOTB Connector, i got a requirement from Salesforce team when entitlement is selected as "Marketing User" or entitlement contains "Marketing" or "Sales" then set attribute "UserPermissionsMarketingUser": true, which ideally should checked in salesforce user profile. 



Modify Account Json

"Alias": "${user.firstname.toString().substring(0,1)}${user.lastname.toString().substring(0,4)}",
"UserPermissionsMarketingUser": true,
"UserPermissionsMarketingUser": "${if(arsTasks.entitlement_valueKey.entitlement_value == 'Marketing User'){true}}"



Could you kindly provide a detailed snapshot of the information extracted from the logs, encompassing errors and other pertinent functionality details encountered during the execution of this process? Your assistance in furnishing this information would greatly aid in the analysis and resolution of any issues .

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does it works from postman?

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Attached logs

Postman screenshot

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III


[This post has been edited by a Moderator to remove sensitive information.]


Postman screenshot of salesforce showing this attribute is correct and working

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

@sandeepgudipudi  need this details

Rushikesh Vartak
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Can you elaborate which details are needed

Does salesforce api works from postman ?

Refer sample -

Rushikesh Vartak
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Salesforce api works and here modify account json is not working rather modify account task is also not creating

I need salesforce API screenshot from postman

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

From postman the attribute is updating



You are passing 2 times 

"Alias": "${user.firstname.toString().substring(0,1)}${user.lastname.toString().substring(0,4)}",
"UserPermissionsMarketingUser": "${if(arsTasks.entitlement_valueKey.entitlement_value == 'Marketing User'){true}}"

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

this did not solve issue

Modify account will not provide entitlement information hence you need to use dynamic attributes and use dynamic attributes in modify json to implement logic 

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III



Do you have update on my usecase

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

modify account task is also not creating