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Remove account tasks for users is not working.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi team,

I'm trying to upload users through "REQUEST ACCESS FOR OTHERS - MULTI USERS", for Remove account but the tasks are not getting generated. In request history its showing completed, but tasks are not getting created. 

Version 24.4







Please check if you have attached the workflow (preferably the auto approval workflow) under Global configurations > Request > Bulk > Auto Approve Workflow for Multiuser request upload



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An workflow is attached at global configuration level. Request is auto approving but tasks are not getting created. 

Is there any bug in version 24.4 for remove account tasks.



New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We can attach Remove Access workflow at security system level. But there is no option to attach workflow for Remove Account, it is Auto approving.

  • Validate which workflow is used on url of request when you open from request history
  • Does account is active state ?
  • Does create dependent task flag is enabled on endpoint level?
  • Does tasks gets created when you request from request for others 

Rushikesh Vartak
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For Remove Access tasks are created as per the workflow, But for Remove Account task is auto approving. is there any option to add workflow for Remove Account For bulk upload.

Here do you mean request is auto approved ? As task never get auto approved.


also answer all questions individually from previous post

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

  • Validate which workflow is used on url of request when you open from request history - i request history its AutoApprove
  • Does account is active state ? - YES
  • Does create dependent task flag is enabled on endpoint level? - Enabled
  • Does tasks gets created when you request from request for others - for Remove access tasks are created,but for Remove Account Its auto approved and when import job runs account is suspended.

Can you provide screenshots 

  • request including url
  • workflow snip

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Rushikesh Vartak
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You are raising request for suspended account. Also you are using AccessRequest_WF ( hoping you provide same workflow details)

as per workflow if ent is null then it goes to grant block so its expected to be auto approve

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak , Again i added User Account to the entitlement and tried Remove account through bulk upload, but still its Autoapproving. And tasks are not creating




Validate if there is already existing task in pending tasks section. also validate logs

Rushikesh Vartak
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Its Working. User staus should be in Active and it should not be manually provisioned.