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10/03/2024 07:38 AM
Could you please confirm that this rehire rule looks correct? Rules are not getting triggered even though all the condition matches. The data format is CP17 is string in the form of 8/27/2024.
This rule is to trigger rule for rehire after 30 days:
##a.statuskey isupdated## and a.statuskey =1 and STR_TO_DATE(a.customproperty17, '%m/%d/%Y') < DATE_SUB(curdate(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)
Thank you
10/03/2024 07:51 AM
can you try this
##a.statuskey isupdated## and a.statuskey =1 and STR_TO_DATE(a.customproperty17, '%m/%d/%Y') < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY
10/04/2024 05:48 AM
I tried with the query you provided but the rule still did not get triggered.
10/04/2024 07:37 PM
Please share screenshot of rule and customproperty17 value screenshot